Know How to Improve SQL Server Performance

Many times, while working user's face various issues that affect performance and scalability of SQL Server. Users can emphasizes various techniques to obtain gains in performance as well as scalability. They can usually obtain the greatest gains by making an efficient data access code for the application by utilizing accurate development techniques. By changing SQL Server configuration settings, it is impossible to obtain such big gains in performance and scalability. In the following section, various methods are discussed that helps to improve SQL Server performance.

Techniques to Improve SQL Server Performance

There are various methods mentioned below that helps in improving the performance of Server.

  • Scale Up and Out
  • Scaling up denotes the moving of an application to a large hardware class that utilizes powerful processors as well as memory, and quick disk drives. Scaling out of the implementation of federation references where PC of customer class is added. After that, data is replicated and partitioned across them. Users can easily scale it out by utilizing partitioning of functional. Scaling up is a good method if it is related to memory. By upgrading to a fast processor or even by adding more processors users can maximize the utilization of their existing hardware resources. They can resolve bottlenecks of memory by adding additional memory or by upgrading memory existing. Scaling up can also help in resolving disk Input and Output related bottlenecks. This form of bottleneck is mainly occurred in online transaction processing (OLTP) applications.

  • Performance and Scalability
  • The main problem related to SQL Server, which affect the scalability as well as performance of user’s application. There are some technical implementations that help in preventing or resolving every issue. If performance and scalability of a system are important for users then, the biggest mistake that they makes not to understand the actual characteristics of the required queries and affect various queries on each other in a multi user system. Contention is affected by locking and by physical contention. The resource that utilize includes memory use, network I/O, CPU utilization, and, disk I/O. The most common mistake is to recover more data than user actually need.

  • Schema
  • For the high performance of data, access for good and efficient schema design is important. Users need to design their database to improve their database in a way. OLAP and OLTP workloads on one of the server that is intended to not impede each other. OLAP and reporting workloads tends to be characterized by long-running queries so that the users are rarely waiting impatiently for their queries to complete. OLTP workload tends to be characterized by several of small transactions, which in return something for the user in few second. For the long-running queries for reports, analysis, ad-hoc queries may block inserts as well as other transactions in the OLTP workload until the OLAP query completes. If users need to support both workloads and consider in creating a reporting server, which supports the OLAP and reporting workloads. If they perform lots of analysis by using SQL Server Analysis Services to make those functions. They can achieve a good, logical database design by simply applying normalization rules for design. Normalization gives various benefits like reducing redundant data. When they reduce redundant data, can make narrow and compact tables. However, over normalization of a database schema may disturb performance and scalability. Obtaining the right degree of normalization includes tradeoffs. Whereas they want a normalized database to limit duplication of data for maintaining data integrity. It may be harder to program against completely normalized databases, and performance can affect.

  • Queries
  • The best way to achieve performance as well as scalability is to understand the characteristics of queries. Although it is not accurate to monitor each query, users should measure and understand their most commonly used queries. Measure the performance of their application throughout the lifecycle of application. Good performance and scalability also needs the cooperation of both developers as well as database administrators. The procedure depends on both query and index development. These areas of development are mainly found in two different job roles. Every organization has to find a procedure that allows developers and database administrators to cooperate and exchange information with each other. Some organizations need developers to write appropriate indexes for every query and to submit an execution plan to the database architect. The architect is liable for evaluating the system as a whole, for removing redundancies, and for finding efficiencies of scale. The database administrator can then, get information on what indexes might be required, and how queries might be utilized.


Performance of the server plays an important role to perform any action on the server. However, sometimes while working over it, all its performance slowdown that affects the speed of work. In the above discussion, we have discussed the same regarding the performance of server and a way to improve SQL Server performance.

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